Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A final thank you to C-S-Arts. You guys ROCK!!!

I would once again like to express my gratitude to all involved with C-S-Arts Cincinnati!!!

- To my fellow artists, it was fabulous getting to meet each of you and see what diversity there is in the art world around the city.  Thank you for joining, that we might all have the chance to work together.

- To the judges, thank you for choosing my work!!  How validating as a young artist to be chosen among some veterans and much more established Cincinnati artists.

- To the patrons, thank you for purchasing a share and taking a chance on me (even if you didn't know you were doing so).

- To the Kennedy Height Arts Center, thank you for hosting us, welcoming us, paying us, and supporting us as well as many others while you reach out to your community and beyond.

- To the planning committee- WOWWW!!!  You certainly know how to throw a good party :)  Thank you for your volunteerism during this inaugural season.  Thank you for loving the arts and sharing that passion through your kind words, your attention to detail (in marketing, packaging, questioning, supporting, and the list goes on), and your genuine enthusiasm that radiated outward.  It did not matter how long of a day you had, you greeted each of us with a smile.  THANK YOU!

This was a blast :)  I look forward to watching this initiative grow more and more!
With love,
-Kara Sheldon

ps- check out the parties here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.612236465561199.1073741829.528714457246734&type=1

My mom (right) and I (center) enjoyed hearing what other artists had to say about their work.  Thank you for the pictures Paige!!

Monday, August 25, 2014


Did you ever have the nightmare where you were standing in front of your class, only to realize you were naked?  Remember how sickening that was?

This is how I began my first day teaching.  No, I was not naked, but I sure felt that way.  As I pulled into school for the opening day assembly, every parking spot was filled... all but mine that is.  I immediately began to get nervous, thinking I had the time of the assembly wrong.  I was able to take a deep breath and calm myself.

However, when I entered the school, it was silent.  I didn't hear a sound.  This was not right as I was entering from the back near where the auditorium (and the assembly) were.  I got to the auditorium and peeked in.  It was empty.  No one was around.  I had MISSED IT!!!

"Great." I thought,  "Now I have to go to my principle on the first day and apologize for not being there as he introduced the new faculty!"

I was so frustrated.  How had I missed that?  I checked the start time like 6 times to make sure I would be there on time.  I walked quietly to my art room.  Sure enough, the homeroom that uses the space was there.  They were all gathered back together after the assembly.  BLAH.  What a way to start things off.

Finally, I slowed down enough to seek out another teacher who also does not have a homeroom.  I asked if I had missed the assembly.  To my great relief the answer was NO!  WHEW.  Dodged a bullet that time.


I told the above story to a friend of mine after getting home from an otherwise uneventful first day of teaching.  I confided in her that I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing.  I couldn't tell if the students were giving me blank looks because I was boring, new, they were tired, syllabus day is always a drag, or WHAT.  All I knew was the looks made me feel even more out of place, and like I had a lot of catching up to do if I wanted to keep my teacher title.

She kindly re-assured me.  She reminded me that most adults still find themselves in a learning curve- ESPECIALLY with a new job.  Receiving a degree and professional title does not immediately inject you with all the knowledge, experience and confidence to move forward without a care.

Practice helps, experience helps, trial and error help.  Deep breathes DEFINITELY help.  Friends help- one might even say they can be super heroes dressed in civilian clothing.  Thanks friend for the calming advice and for reminding me I am not the only one feeling this way ;)

And thank you Mr. Principal for starting the assembly later than I expected so that I had my first-day-"I'm naked"-freak-out in front of a peer and not my class!

Cheers, to the many days ahead!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Letting go

I love color and texture.  Bold and dYnamiC.  Some may think my style is busy or over-the-top.  I think it's interesting and shows variety.

This week I went shopping for some new teacher clothes.  I had a blast hanging out with my friend Miska and trying on pretty much everything  that was school appropriate in my size.  I found several new pieces, including some much needed PLAIN pants.  They are in neutral colors with basic cuts.  They will go perfectly with my busy tops :D

I also allowed a few skirts to sneak into the pile (as a treat for buying such plain pants hehehe).  After an afternoon out I brought my treasure home to an already full closet.  Oh man... where was everything going to fit?

Today I spent time weeding through my current wardrobe to make room for the new additions.  I came across several dresses and skirts that I have gotten plenty of love out of, however I still find it hard to let them go.  Most still fit and look good on me.  However, I know I have not worn them in a long time and do not plan on wearing them anytime soon.  Therefore, they have been added to my "give away pile!"

I am officially saying goodbye to my oldest skirt, a dress I wore to my favorite couple's wedding, another I wore to see Rent live with my sister and two best friends, the one I wore on my 21st birthday, another to my wedding shower, and finally the one I wore out the night I said goodbye to my life as a single lady.  Thank you all for helping me grow in feeling confident, being there for important life moments, and reminding me of the good times every time I opened my closet and leafed through my wardrobe.  May you go on to serve others as well.

Hello new clothes.  New opportunities.  Change.  Challenges.  Options.  Variety.  I look forward to seeing what new memories lie ahead as I take the next steps in my teaching career!!!  I feel like it's the first day of school all over again :D