Friday, September 26, 2014


A week ago, I spent Saturday learning a new enameling technique (more to come in a future post). 

Immediately following was a whirl wind week!!  Project one finished by students, graded and turned back to them by me.  Grades posted online. Presenting the next project.  A pop quiz on color schemes (to help them think through their colors for the new project). Students beginning project two.  Me meeting with my mentor teacher for the first time (after forgetting to meet with her yesterday- OOPS).  And so on....

I now wait for my husband to come home so we can go camping!!!  HELLLOOOOOOO Fall :)  Of course this is the night he has to work late, so instead of brooding (too much), I will share some lovely work ;)

Here are some examples of the first project :D
These are 1"x2" copper pieces.  The project was used as an introduction to enameling and some of the techniques.  Enjoy, as they have done a wonderful job!!

Sgrafitto means to scratch through.  The students would apply a base coat (flux, opaque, or transparent) and fire the piece.  Then they add a second layer.  Before firing, they scratch through the top layer down to the one below.  Easier said then done, but here are two exceptional examples...

Students were asked to look through magazines to find compositions they could turn into a stencil.

They then spent time adding transparent colors over FLUX (a clear enamel) and transparent colors over white.  This helped them begin to understand transparent vs. opaque enamels, layering, stenciling, etc.

Wet packing is taking the dry enamel (think very fine colored sand) and adding some water to it to create a paste-like mixture.  Tools are then used to add color bit by bit, precisely where it is wanted (think stippling with wet, gritty paint).  Before drying the piece one can drag a toothpick or other tools through to create more of a color swirl.  The piece is then smoothed out, dried and fired :)
 I'd say we're off to a great start!!  Looking forward to seeing what they come up with next :D  Stay tuned...

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